7-7 Jul 2022 Paris (France)

Registration is now open !

You can now register to AOB. Please visit the Registration page. Registration deadline July 4th.

Gathering around optical imaging techniques in Paris two days before FENS

FENS Forum

The FENS Forum is the largest Neuroscience conference in Europe and is held every two years in a different European city. In 2022, the FENS Forum will be in Paris from July 9 to 13. The Institut Pasteur organizes a series of events associated to the conference with a particular emphasis on imaging techniques. This starts on July 7th with the one day AOB symposium focusing on Advances in Optical imaging techniques for Brain sciences. AOB will be followed on July 8th, by an exciting workshop on Open Microscopy for Neuroscience. 

A symposium on techniques that could boost future brain science

The aim of the symposium is to bring together scientists who are actively developing novel optical imaging techniques, new molecular probes or novel analysis methods to investigate brain circuits at different levels. The symposium will feature in the historical atmosphere of the Duclaux amphitheater a range of invited talks by internationally recognized scientists developing methods for optical imaging in the living or fixed brain, along with  brief presentations of breakthrough products by associated companies.  

Demonstration of novel microscopes over a week

A number of associated companies will have a working version of their microscope at the Institut Pasteur and can organize demonstration on different samples with you between July 6 and July 13, 2022. Please visit the Parners & Sponsors page on the website and contact them directly if you are interested.

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