7-7 Jul 2022 Paris (France)


The registration is now open ! It will close on July 4th.

Register on this link through the Institut Pasteur teaching department portal.


Registration fees:

Researchers and students (public organization): 30 euros

Personal of private compagnies: 100 euros

Members of the Institut Pasteur (internal): 0 euros (but mandatory registration)

Speakers (guest): 0 euros


Tutorial for registration (please carefully follow the instructions):

A/ Go to the registration portal via this link (same as above).

B/ If you don't have a Konosys Pasteur account start by creating a new one.

C/ Then the systems logs you into your account. From which you should select that you want to register to [ SYMPOSIUM : Advances in Optical Imaging for Brain Sciences Symposium Hear [07/07/2022 - 07/07/2022] ]. Also select [General profile] in the candidate profile menu. 

 step 2

D/ On the next page, fill in minimally your personal information in the [Personnal Profile] tab. The person of contact in case of emergency is a mandatory field but you can fill it with our own contact information (not necessary for this event).  Fill in your paiement information and proceed by pressing [validate your registration].


Step 3

 In case you fail to register please contact thierry.lang@pasteur.fr

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